Actress Rekha Thapa has responded to Chhabi Raj Ojha‘s statement that his wife of more than 10-years had refused to become the mother of his child. Rekha was enraged on Chhabi of bringing out their personal matters to the media. Earlier, Chhabi has talked about the relationship with his ex-wives in an interview with ‘Mirror Nepal’ monthly. In the following video, Chhabi has re-confirmed that all the statements he made were true:
Rekha termed Chhabi’s statements ‘nonsense’. She added, “If he were a good person, he would have told these things right after divorce.” She also regretted how she could have lived for 10 years such a person.
Rekha however terms the time she spent with Chhabi were ‘dark days’. In the coming days she doesn’t want to have any relationship, professional or personal, with her ex-husband. She also announced that she had declined the offer to act in ‘Suntali Hawaldar’ and will not do any of his future movies.
Although Chhabi claimed that he still loves Rekha and will always there for her, he wasn’t happy on how she treated herself and other people. He wanted Rekha to know that Rekha is in the last stage of her active life as a leading actress and should take care of her body.
In an interview with an online magazine, Rekha also claimed that she could have brought Chhabi to the street if she had ‘desired’ so.
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