1. What is sex in your opinion?
Nature’s gift and the highest form of love.
2. Movies with sex scenes earn a lot. What do you think of this statement?
There have been many movies with sex scenes after the release of ChapaliHieght. I think it is fine if the script and the roles demand it but unnecessary scenes do notmake the film successful.
3. Will you perform bold scenes if the script demands it?
Yes, but within limits. Recently, I have been offeered to play the role of a prostitute, I might do it.
4. What is your sexual appeal?
My eyes. They say eyes speaks a lot than words.
5. What do you think of pre-marital sex?
Sex should be taken seriously even if there is understanding and trust between the partners. We are never sure if the partners end up getting married. Sex should be after marriage.
6. So, you have never have had sex.
Nope. I think sex is nature’s precious gift. I am keeping it until my wedding night.
Text by: Jayan Subba Manadhar / Photo Courtesy: CyberSansar
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