In an upcoming movie, ‘Hasiya’ two actresses – Priyanka Karki and Hema Shrestha are featured as item girls. The shooting of the movie has recently concluded. One of the item dancers, Hema is the lead actress of the movie.
The director of the movie Milan Chams says that the dance is not only an item dance but an action item song. The choreographer of the dance, Renasha Rai claims that it was the first time two major actresses have done an item song in Nepali movie.
The set made for the shooting of the song is told to be the costliest set to be made for any item dance in Nepali movie, so far. Before breaking the cost record, the costliest set was made for Rekha Thapa‘s dance. The choreographer of the Rekha’s dance was also Renasha. Renasha says that the item song of ‘Hasiya’ is one of the best songs she has done in her career.
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