Nepali Movie “Barbad’ which is produced by GK Sharma under the banner of Redline Films and directed by Rim Bishowkarma is being rejected by censor board due to too much vulgar and unsuitable for release. The movie “Barbad” has been scheduled to release this week will most probably delayed.
Barbad Nepali Movie
“Barbad” features actress Jiya KC who is already known by her previous movie “ATM” which is already being banned by the censor board for the same reason. In an interview Jiya told that “Barbad” is hottest and sexy movie as compared to her previously release movie “ATM”.
Jiya KC Nepali Movie Barbad
Narayan Sanjel of Censor board has told that the more than 80% of the scenes are too much vulgar and inappropriate. According to him this movie can have negative impact in the society so the Censor Board can’t approve the movie to release.
Jiya KC Nepali Movie Barbad
Official Theatrical Trailer of New Nepali Movie Barbad
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