A house has lots of precious things in, which precious things need to be secured and safe. An office has lots of important documents to keep safe and secure. A car showroom needs to keep all cars safe from the thieves. A restaurant or café needs to keep all of its eatery things safe from stealing. A furniture shop needs to keep safe all of their furniture’s in. A bank needs to be locked properly else all the money, jwellery etc will get unsafe and stolen. To keep all of the above things safe, we need to create a proper locking system for it. But what if you forget locking the doors?
There are people who keep their small children inside their house alone. When they are keeping them alone they need to make sure that they are safe and secured. They cannot just ignore things. Small children do not have knowledge of where to go, when to go and how to go. So they keep on scrolling where ever they feel going. They even go out of the house and go anywhere. So, keeping their security is their parents look out.
Now considering all of the above situation, a solution to the locking has been created. The solution is Lockitron.
What is Lockitron?
Lockitron is a locking system where in you can lock your house, office, bank anything from any part of the world. Locking is very necessary to be everywhere, so it quite a beneficial thing. The locking system is handled through mobile phones.
How does Lockitron works?
It is very simple. You just need to make few steps for installing it. Once you get it installed you can lock your home or any other place just by one click. A mobile application will be installed in your mobile which is Lockitron. You need to open the application and click on lock or unlock. You can even lock the place and also unlock the place. It gives you two symbols one for lock and another for unlock.
2Lock your doors from any where in the world.
The operation you perform is successfully done. To ensure you it displays a message to you. If you are locking the door then it messages you “door was locked” and if unlocked then t gives message of “door was unlocked”. The messages are to satisfy you that the task is completed.
How to install Lockitron?
1) First you need to purchase Lockitron.
2) Then get it fitted on the door. It can be any door.
3) After getting it fitted you need to download the mobile application for Lockitron.
4) Once you get it download you are free to enjoy the Lockitron.
Sitting anywhere in the world you can lock and unlock your doors through mobiles.
Advantages of Lockitron:
Get surety of having your door locked.
Can lock door from any part of the world.
Just need a mobile to lock the door.
A notification message is blinked whenever the door is opened and closed.
Safety for children at houses.
Safety of all precious things at banks.
You get sure of all the things are safe.
Lockitron can be fitted on any doors.
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