"Hippopotamus" is a tremendous, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae. The name comes from the ancient Greek for "river horse" . After the elephant and rhinoceros, the hippopotamus is the third largest type of mammalian found in land and the heaviest extant artiodactyl. "Lion", The lion is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg in weight, it is the second largest living cat after the tiger.
In a recent incident, a giant hippo turned the tables on a hungry pride of lions when they tried to attack him by fighting itself against them, out of a tricky situation before chasing the vicious predators away. A pictures taken by French photography duo Laurent Renaud and Dominique Haution, these incredible photos shows a group of lions creep up on a lone hippopotamus on the plains of Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.But instead of becoming dinner for the pride, the brave hippo fights against and the lions turn on their heels fearing they might get a flavor of their own medicine. It's incredible and bravery of the hippo that the hippo manage to escape and to rejoin the river.
In the photographs, we can see a male lion circles the hippo before two lions jump on it and try and bring it down. They appear to be successful when the hippo is forced into a ditch and four lions jump on its back. But within a few moments the hippo proves them wrong, hippo bared its teeth and managed to shake the pride off. After then he lions are sent muddling onto the grasslands and the hippo even starts to chase them away as it snarls victoriously.
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